If you’re considering a night time wedding ceremony or just want some evening wedding inspiration read on! We’ve narrowed this design inspiration down to the most important element to consider for night time events: lighting. Believe it or not, lighting does more than just make it possible for you to see in the dark! It can create a mood:intimate, serene, grand; be part of the design:color and pattern, centerpiece, spotlights; and create and define space. Creating a mood with lighting does take some thought, though most wedding venues already have the lights set up in the most useful and flattering position for their building, room, gardens or grounds. Make sure to specify your requests, for dimmer lighting and a romantic feel or for a specific color lighting. This way you will find out what is already available and consider whether or not you need to hire additional event lighting or just add personal touches such as candleabras, lanterns, or twinkle s...