Planning and practice are good strategies for making your wedding day festivities run smoothly but nothing beats some practical advice from brides who have been-there-and-done-that. Eliminate the stress of discomfort on your wedding day by following these simple tips. 1. Make sure your dress fits and functions. Don’t be alarmed if your dress doesn't fit perfectly after your first fitting. It can take up to three or four fittings to get it right. If possible, schedule your last fitting two weeks before your wedding. Also, keep in mind the time of year and movement in your dress. “I picked out a silky lightweight mermaid wedding gown that fit me perfectly and looked gorgeous. My problem was a cold October wedding with an outdoor evening reception. It was cold! I also should have practiced dancing because my dress was too tight around the bottom and I had to borrow my friend’s hair tie to bunch it up above my knees so I could move on the dance floor!” Lydia 2. Wear comf...