Looking for a reason to get all the girls together? Why not browse the ideas below and be sure to add your own in the comments section! Pancake Breakfast( or Lunch or Dinner) Who doesn’t love pancakes? I once called up a friend on a whim and offered to bring over some pancakes. I didn’t realize how this unexpected surprise could brighten someone’s day or that it would turn into an awesome party where we were joined by neighbor friends and called up any others who were available to come join us. It led to laughing and sharing memories over a mountain of my fav chocolate chip pancakes, several cups of coffee, and even meeting new friends. Overall it was a fun, laid back time with friends I would highly recommend! Pinterest Party All right all you Pinners out there, you’ve been plenty inspired now lets put those projects to the test! Have your friends select a couple of Pinned projects they really want to try and do them as a group. This could be anything from hom...